ESEA (E-Sports Entertainment Association) League is a competitive online game that can be played as a single-player or multiplayer with friends or with other players around the globe. The first game of the ESEA league is Counter-Strike. It allows the player of all levels to play together. Noobs playing as a single-player or multiplayer comes with a doubt of how to get ranked in esea.

To increase one’s rank, the player needs to compete with other players and must win. ESEA contains many competitive ranking which can be achieved by winning in the online competition of the video games.

Along with the ranking, ESEA also offers many rewards that give a boost to the players to play more and win more.

ESEA sets up different small and big milestones to achieve so that the players do not lose their interest and keep working on it until they get promoted to the next ranking. In the different games of ESEA, players can also buy some of the items and outfits that are available inside the game.
ESEA ranking categories

The ranking is made in the ESEA online games to categorize each player’s standards inside the game.

To view the ranking of oneself, players can see the alphabet letter displaying on their profile, and that alphabet letter shows the ranking of the individual player. For a new player, ranking is decided among the alphabets A, B, C, D by playing at least ten matches in a row. This ranking has sets of positive and negative like A+ or A-. Besides these alphabets, two more rankings are there, namely Rank S and Rank G. Among all these, and topmost ranking is Rank S.

What determines ranking in ESEA

To answer how to get ranked in esea, a player should play games more and more, and based on the number of wins and the number of losses, player ranking is decided. To increase ranking, players have the option to play in different categories like

  1. Solo queue.
  2. Multiplayer consisting of 2 players.
  3. Multiplayer consisting of 3 players.
  4. Multiplayer consisting of 4 players.
  5. Multiplayer consisting of 5 players.


ESEA is an online platform provider of games like Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, and many more other games. ESEA provides a unique way of categorizing the players based on the player’s rank, which is determined by the number of wins and losses of the games. Players can level-up their rankings by playing the game number of times and also by winning them.

ESEA (E-Sports Entertainment Association) League is a competitive online game that can be played as a single-player or multiplayer with friends or with other players around the globe. The first game of the ESEA league is Counter-Strike. It allows the player of all levels to play together. Noobs playing as a single-player or multiplayer comes with a doubt of how to get ranked in esea.

To increase one’s rank, the player needs to compete with other players and must win. ESEA contains many competitive ranking which can be achieved by winning in the online competition of the video games.

Along with the ranking, ESEA also offers many rewards that give a boost to the players to play more and win more.

ESEA sets up different small and big milestones to achieve so that the players do not lose their interest and keep working on it until they get promoted to the next ranking. In the different games of ESEA, players can also buy some of the items and outfits that are available inside the game.
ESEA ranking categories

The ranking is made in the ESEA online games to categorize each player’s standards inside the game.

To view the ranking of oneself, players can see the alphabet letter displaying on their profile, and that alphabet letter shows the ranking of the individual player. For a new player, ranking is decided among the alphabets A, B, C, D by playing at least ten matches in a row. This ranking has sets of positive and negative like A+ or A-. Besides these alphabets, two more rankings are there, namely Rank S and Rank G. Among all these, and topmost ranking is Rank S.

What determines ranking in ESEA

To answer how to get ranked in esea, a player should play games more and more, and based on the number of wins and the number of losses, player ranking is decided. To increase ranking, players have the option to play in different categories like

  1. Solo queue.
  2. Multiplayer consisting of 2 players.
  3. Multiplayer consisting of 3 players.
  4. Multiplayer consisting of 4 players.
  5. Multiplayer consisting of 5 players.


ESEA is an online platform provider of games like Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, and many more other games. ESEA provides a unique way of categorizing the players based on the player’s rank, which is determined by the number of wins and losses of the games. Players can level-up their rankings by playing the game number of times and also by winning them.